Can you love someone with OCPD?
People with OCPD may have appropriate relationships with their employees or subordinates but will struggle with peers or romantic interests. They may hold back affection and come off as cold and formal. When dating someone with OCPD, a person may rarely receive a compliment or any heartfelt communications.
Does OCPD run in families?
OCPD tends to occur in families, so genes may be involved. A person’s childhood and environment may also play roles. This disorder can affect both men and women. It occurs most often in men.
Can an online test diagnose OCPD?
DISCLAIMER:An online test is never going to be a substitute for an official diagnosis from a trained mental health professional. But we would venture to guess that if you are landing on this page, you suspect that either yourself or someone you care about has obsessive compulsive personality disorder, more commonly referred to as OCPD.
Do OCPD patients experience their personality disorder as a problem?
These patients do not experience their personality disorder or traits as a problem. Often significant others have pushed OCPD patients into treatment because OCPD patients can be very difficult to live with. I would recommend listening for and assessing OCPD traits in all patients, especially patients who present with anxiety disorders.
Are partners with OCPD a curse or a blessing?
Partners with OCPD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) can be a curse or a blessing.
Is it hard to be married to a person with OCPD?
It is very hard to be married to someone who has a personality disorder, but it is even harder to be with someone who refuses to get treatment or admit to their issues. I am assuming that whether or not your husband has diagnosable OCPD, he is a very difficult guy to live with. This has made your life difficult in many ways, I’m sure.