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Can you change your name on your resume?
If you’ve legally changed your name, feel free to use that. Just make sure that regardless of whatever name you use on the resume, use your legal name on the job application – that is a legal document, and not putting your legal name on that can have far-reaching (negative) consequences.
Does your name matter on a resume?
For instance, research has shown that having an easy-to-pronounce name makes people like you more, and having a common name can increase your likelihood of getting hired. So if you’re looking for a way to differentiate yourself, consider using your middle name or initial in your email address and resume.
Can you change your name on job application?
If you get the job, you would then use your legal full first name for the paperwork. You can change your name to anything you want, providing it isn’t offensive. Before you do, you might start using your new first name anytime you want.
Should I put a white name on my resume?
It indicates that a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience. Race, the authors add, also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes received 30 percent more callbacks than whites with lower quality resumes.
Can I shorten my name on CV?
Yes, resumes and CVs allow for flexibility. So you are permitted to shorten your name or even use a nickname you go by. But on job applications, you should use your full legal name.
Do you have to put full name on CV?
It is not necessary to write your full name on your resume but you do want to make it easy for the hiring manager to differentiate you and contact you. One name may be memorable unless it is really common.
Should you change your name to get a job?
A name change probably won’t help you escape anything in your past that you’d like to hide from potential employers. But if you’re not upfront about it during the hiring process, it can cause delays in your background check and maybe even cost you the job you want.
Is it legal to use a different name?
In the US you can use any name you please as long as it is not fraudulent or misleading. Your”legal name” is the one found on official documents such as your birth certificate and passport. If you want to change that, there is a simplified court petition available in most states.
Can you lie about your name on a job application?
It is never a good idea to lie. It will almost always come back to bite you. A resume is not a legal document, so technically you can. However, if you consider the consequences of using a fake name then it should be obvious that it’s not a good idea.