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Can violets tolerate heat?
Though many Violets will tolerate temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees or higher, they will perform best when day and night temperatures vary no more than five degrees either way. If the temperature gets too warm, African Violets will suffer. Room temperature is 85 degrees F or higher.
Can violets take full sun?
Although violets tolerate of a variety of light conditions, most will grow best in full sun to partial shade. Some woodland species tolerate more shade; in fact they can be planted in areas considered to be full shade.
How do you care for outdoor violets?
Violets can be planted nearly anytime throughout spring and fall, though early spring is preferable. These plants enjoy light shade but will also thrive in sunny locations. While they tolerate many soil types, wild violets prefer soil that is moist, yet well-draining, and rich in organic matter.
What conditions do violets like?
Violets do best in full sun or partial shade, in soil that’s fertile with plenty of organic matter, and which drains well. Grow violets in a woodland garden, on rockeries and banks, at the front of borders or under shrubs with an open canopy that only cast a light shade.
What temperature is too cold for African Violets?
Temperature: African Violets prefer warmer temperatures, which is why they grow well indoors. During the day, try to keep them at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing them to get down to the 60’s at night. Don’t let the temperature fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit too often, as the cold can stunt growth.
How cold can an African Violet survive?
Keep Violets as close to 70 degrees F as possible. In all cases, avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures below 60 degrees. Be aware of cold drafts coming through windows, and keep your Violets insulated from them. For more about proper temperature and other factors of air quality, see “Caring for African Violets.”
How much sunlight do African violets need?
African violets need indirect sunlight, direct can burn the leaves. Choose a north- or east- facing window for best results. Keep plants away from cold glass and rotate the pot once a week so all leaves receive light. Extend daylight by placing African violets under a grow light during winter months.
How often should I water violets?
The best guide is to feel the top of the soil: if it is dry to the touch, then it is time to water. African violets should be allowed to dry out between each watering for best results. Overwatering can kill a plant. The fine roots of an African violet need air, which cannot penetrate a soggy wet soil mass.
Do violets bloom all summer?
Like most violas, violets have the potential to bloom from late winter or spring all the way through the summer. Typically, though, they stop blooming in late spring or summer when temperatures begin to get hot.
How do violets spread?
Violets have developed numerous ways to spread. Violets spread by underground rhizomes and may form vegetative colonies. They also spread by seed. Flowers near the soil surface that never really open, called cleistogamous or non-opening, self-pollinating, shoot seeds out to establish a new colony away from the parent.
Do violets flower all summer?
Are violets indoor or outdoor plants?
Where to Grow African Violets. African violets are strictly indoor plants in North America, largely because their leaves need to stay dry. Grow plants in bright, indirect light for the best color and blooms.
Do African violets need sun?
African Violets need plenty of sunlight, but only indirect sunlight. If Violets get more than this, they will begin to show signs of scorching on the leaves and flowers. In some cases, too much sunlight will turn variegated leaf varieties entirely green.
How much light does my African violet need?
Growth and flowering of African violets is also affected by duration of exposure to light and darkness. To bloom, they need 8 to 12 hours (up to16 hours) of light and 8 hours of darkness per day.
How much should I water my African violet?
It’s healthiest for the plant if you allow the potting mix to dry slightly between watering, but it should never be bone dry. One easy way to water an African violet is to place the pot in a container with no more than an inch (2.5 cm.) of water . Remove it from the water after about 20 minutes, or until the potting mix is moist.
How much light do African violets need?
Place the African violets on the shelf approximately 1 foot beneath the lights. Keep the violets under the lights between 14 and 18 hours each day.