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Treatment can help you overcome your phobia. You can start with home remedies such as exercise and deep breathing. But if these don’t work, talk with your doctor about prescription medication or counseling. Mental health professionals can help you cope with anxiety and become more sociable.
“Symptoms usually start in childhood and are made worse under stressful situations. The wonderful thing is that the symptoms can be completely alleviated with taking these supplements: zinc, vitamin B6, and evening primrose oil. People typically start to feel less anxious, less shy, and more social within a week.
What herbs are good for social anxiety?
Lemon Balm is known in Latin as Melissa Officinalis. This herb is rich in anxiety relieving terpenes which makes it an ideal cure for social anxiety. Lemon Balm is a soothing relaxant which calms the person in the presence of others.
What drugs are good for social anxiety?
Antihistamines (such as hydroxyzine) and beta-blockers (such as propranolol) can help mild cases of anxiety as well as performance anxiety, a type of social anxiety disorder. Antidepressants such as SSRIs or SNRIs or tricyclics need to be taken daily whether or not you have anxiety on that particular day, as prescribed by your health care provider.
Breathing to help anxiety: So if you’ve ever looked for natural remedies for social anxiety online,you’re bound to see breathing coming up as at least 3 out of the
Make Some Herbal Teas For Yourself. Teas have been known to provide relief from stress and anxiety from several years.