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Can photons rest frame?
Your answers are right,a solitary photon has no rest frame, nonetheless I find quite interesting to note that a system of massless particles(such as photons) can have a nonzero mass provided that all the momenta are not oriented in the same axis and that for such systems zero momentum frames CAN actually be defined.
Does a photon have a reference frame?
Anything without mass (such as photons) is non-inertial and has no inertial reference frame. Let me repeat that: there is no reference frame in which a photon is at rest. Photons are non-inertial, and always propagate with the same constant speed in all reference frames.
Can a photon have zero spin?
Particles, as far as we know, are infinitesimal points of zero size. Electrons and quarks (particles of matter) can have a spin of –1/2 or +1/2; photons (particles of light) can have a spin of –1 or +1; and Higgs bosons must have a spin of 0. Though particle spins are tiny, they have an impact on our everyday world.
Why photon has zero rest mass?
The photons are said to be chargeless and massless particles that travel at the speed of light. So the rest mass of a photon is taken to be zero. This can be proved from Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Hence the photons have a rest mass of zero.
Why photon does not have mass?
Why do photons have no mass? In short, the special theory of relativity predicts that photons do not have mass simply because they travel at the speed of light. This is also backed up by the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which predicts that photons cannot have mass as a result of U(1) -gauge symmetry.
Why does a photon have zero rest mass?
How does a photon experience space?
A photon cannot see the Universe at all, because seeing requires interacting with other particles, antiparticles, or photons, and once such an interaction occurs, that photon’s journey is now over. According to any photon, its existence is instantaneous.
Why is phonon a boson?
Phonons are bosons because the quantum-mechanical Phonon – Wikipedia creation and destruction operators which appear in the second quantized equations of motion for atoms in crystal lattices obey Bose–Einstein statistics – Wikipedia .