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Can INTJ use introverted thinking?
INTJs use introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. Rather than simply looking at the concrete facts, they are more interested in what these facts mean. People with this personality type enjoy thinking about the future and exploring possibilities.
Can Intj be childlike?
INTJs are definitely old souls, and are often like this from a very young age. INTJs are logic minded people, which leaves very little room for childlike behaviors. They do know how to have fun, and can have rather goofy sense of humor, they simply do not have innocent minds like some other types do.
What is Fe Ti MBTI?
The “Function Pairs” Introverted Thinking (Ti) – Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Extraverted Thinking (Te) – Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Do intjs like to be neat and tidy?
Inferior Se may give INTJs a flare for fashion. Overall, INTJs tend to be relatively neat and tidy, since Te wishes to make it’s environment both orderly and efficient. (Remember – “relatively” means relative to something else or someone else.
Why are INTJ’s so impatient?
An INTJ’s focus on the end goal and efficiency may cause them to seem impatient to others. Te is interested in the true and accurate flow of information, so, INTJs will say things bluntly at times even if it comes off as mean or harsh.
What is an INTJ with introverted intuition (ni)?
An INTJ leads with Introverted Intuition (Ni). Strong Ni users subconsciously utilize the patterns they have stored away to navigate their future and make it what they desire or avoid what they fear. ( Click here for a more in-depth description of Ni.)
Do intjs have an extravagant Global Plan?
In fictional settings, INTJs are frequently stereotyped as the evil mastermind with an intricate plan to take over the world because the unique combination of Ni-Te. However, every INTJ is not going to have an elaborate global plan. That’s just not realistic.