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Are Achaeans and Trojans the same?
The Trojans and Achaeans in the Iliad share the same religion, same culture and the enemy heroes speak to each other in the same language, though this could be dramatic effect.
What language was spoken during the Trojan War?
Little is known about the language spoken in Troy. Some researchers suspect it was Luvian, others that it was Lydian. Kloekhorst concluded that the original language of Troy was possibly a precursor of Etruscan.
Did the Greeks and Trojans speak the same language?
The similarity of the Aeolic dialect with languages of nearby places in Asia Minor points to a common language as well. The language spoken by the Trojans in the Iliad is Homeric Greek. However, they have been portrayed as speaking various languages and thus needing to have orders translated to them by their commander.
Did the Trojans speak Greek?
In ancient Greek Epics In Ancient Greek literature such as the Iliad, Trojan characters are portrayed as having a common language with the Achaeans. However, scholars unanimously interpret this as a poetic convention, and not as evidence that the Trojans were Greek speakers.
Is the Iliad accurate?
Now you’re all caught up. But if you think about the Iliad critically for a couple of seconds, it doesn’t make any real-life sense. The Iliad isn’t a documentary, and it’s definitely not a memoir, since the actual events that inspired Homer’s story happened hundreds of years before Homer was born.
Did Trojans and Greeks speak the same language?
In Ancient Greek literature such as the Iliad, Trojan characters are portrayed as having a common language with the Achaeans. However, scholars unanimously interpret this as a poetic convention, and not as evidence that the Trojans were Greek speakers.
What do the Trojans speak?
The language of the Trojans was the same of their enemies, the Greeks, who both spoke Homeric Greek.