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How many rebel ships were at the Battle of Exegol?
In an Industrial Light & Magic video showcasing the visual effects of the film, it was stated that the shot when the fleet appeared at Exegol was made up of over 16,000 ships.
Who are all the people in the stands on Exegol?
Instead of being a huge crowd of Sith Force ghosts, drawn to the power of the Sith throne room on Exegol, the thousands of hooded beings are, in fact, members of the Sith Eternal cult, devoted followers to the teachings of the dark side and the reason why Palpatine was able to return.
What happened to Exegol?
The Steadfast burst into flames, killing all on board. It then fell towards the ground and crashed into the surface of Exegol, while Calrissian and Chewbacca rescued Finn and Jannah aboard the Millennium Falcon.
How did Palpatine get to Exegol?
We’ve learned that Palpatine came back through the use of clone bodies and that his followers at Exegol are the Sith Eternal. They smuggled parts in from the Sienar-Jaemus and Kuat-Entralla shipyards to Exegol to build the ships, using the “shipwrights, engineers, and slaves” who lived on Exegol.
What happened to exegol Citadel?
The citadel was destroyed during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY. Exegol first appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the third installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
What is the significance of the Battle of exegol?
The Battle of Exegol was the decisive final battle in the war between the First Order and the Resistance in which the Resistance and the citizens’ fleet defeated the Final Order, the Xyston -class Star Destroyer fleet designed by the Sith Eternal.
What happened to the Sith on exegol?
However, deep in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, a group of cultists on the planet Exegol still believed in the Sith religion. They kept working in the shadows to install a new Empire once again ruled by a Sith Lord.
What is exegol in the rise of Skywalker?
Exegol first appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the third installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. In the feature-length documentary The Skywalker Legacy, art director Rick Carter mused that Exegol may have been the place where the Sith Order was born.