Table of Contents
What is dehejia committee?
A study group under the chairmanship of V.T. Dehejia was constituted in 1968 in order to determine “the extent to which credit needs of industry and trade were inflated and to suggest ways and means of curbing this phenomenon”. The committee submitted its reports in September 1969.
What is Goiporia committee?
RBI appointed Goiporia committee under the chairmanship of MN Goiporia. The committee made recommendations to improve customer service of banks. It mainly made recommendations regarding the speed, accuracy and efficiency of customer service.
What is Bhandari committee?
The Committee on Restructuring of RRBs, 1994 (Bhandari Committee) identified 49 RRBs for comprehensive restructuring. It recommended greater devolution of decision-making powers to the Boards of RRBs in the matters of business development and staff matters.
What is operating cycle period?
The operating cycle is the average period of time required for a business to make an initial outlay of cash to produce goods, sell the goods, and receive cash from customers in exchange for the goods.
WHO issued commercial paper?
Commercial paper is issued by companies to raise funds generally for a time period up to one year. Commercial paper, also called CP, is a short-term debt instrument issued by companies to raise funds generally for a time period up to one year.
How many times a year is the monetary policy announced?
Under the modified RBI Act, the monetary framework making is as under: The MPC should meet at least four times in a year. The minimum number of members for the meeting of the MPC is four. Each MPC member gets one vote, and in case of an equality of votes, the Governor has a casting or second vote.
Why nabard is formed?
National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) is set up as an apex Development Bank by the Government of India with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture, cottage and village industries.
How is NWC calculated?
Net working capital (NWC) is calculated by taking a company’s current assets and deducting current liabilities. For instance, if a company has current assets of $100,000 and current liabilities of $80,000, then its NWC would be $20,000. Common examples of current assets include cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.
What does available float mean?
Availability float refers to the interval between when a deposit is made to a banking account and when funds become available, specifically relating to check deposits. Availability float exists because banks need time to process physical checks before releasing funds.
What is the difference between operating cycle and cash cycle?
The operating cycle measures the time it takes a business to convert inventory into cash, while the cash cycle takes into account that a business doesn’t have to pay its suppliers back right away.
Which company has the longest operating cycle?
The correct option is c. Reason: The manufacturing company will have the largest operating cycle because the raw material will pass from various processes to get converted into finished goods and the operating cycle will be completed when these finished goods are sold to customers or wholesalers.
What is the name of the committee report of Kannan?
Kannan Committee Report. Financing Working Capital Committee # 1. Dehejia Committee Report:
What are the recommendations of Tanden Committee of RBI?
The recommendations of the committee have been accepted by the Reserve Bank of India with minor modifications. (i) The committee has declared the Third Method of Lending as suggested by the Tanden Committee to be dropped. Hence, in future, the banks would provide credit for working capital according to the Second Method of Lending.
What was the report of the Tandon Committee of 1997?
The Committee submitted its report on 25th February, 1997. It recommended that the arithmetical rigidities imposed by Tandon Committee (and reinforced by Chore Committee) in the form of MPBF computation so far been in practice, should be scrapped.