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At what time do Buddhist monks eat?
6.00 am – The monks walk barefoot around the neighbourhood while the local people make merit by offering them food. 8.00 am – Returning to the temple, the monks sit together to eat breakfast. Before 12.00 noon – The monks eat a light lunch at this time.
What can Buddhist monks eat afternoon?
According to the Buddhist tradition, monks should only eat before 12.00 p.m. Although they cannot eat, they are permitted to drink fruit juices, tea or any other medicinal refreshments such as the coriander drink. Other than that, they are not supposed to digest any kind of solid food.
Why do Buddhist monks not eat dinner?
Buddhist monks supposed to consume food only for the purpose of sustaining body and not take pleasure in eating or to promote body appearance or make body strong or any other purpose. Eating too much also contributes to dullness of mind, increase in sexual desire etc.
What were monks not allowed to do at mealtimes?
Some monasteries only allowed one meal a day during the wintertime and two in the summertime. In most monasteries monks were not allowed to talk during mealtimes instead developing a sophisticated sign language to compensate.
Why do Buddhist not eat after noon?
The practice — specifically intermittent fasting — is becoming increasingly popular for weight loss, but it’s also often done for religious purposes. Buddhists are expected to abstain from food from noon until the dawn of the following day as a way to practice self-control ( 4 , 5).
Do monks eat afternoon?
Monks are forbidden to eat after midday, so to keep their energy up, many rely on highly sweetened beverages, including energy drinks.
Can Benedictines eat meat?
Benedict forbade the eating of meat from four legged animals. He was a fan of black bread, plain water, greens and vegetables. His plan was that monks should have a choice of two cooked meals, vegetable or cereal based and which could include a modest amount of fish or some egg. Meat was only for those who were ill.
Why do some monks only eat once a day?
The two main reasons I’ve seen are eating too late can cause drowsiness, making meditation (an important part of the monastic life) more difficult, and eating only once a day helps to reduce the burden on the lay community, which supports the monastic community with the majority of their material requisites.
Why doesn’t the Buddha eat in the afternoon?
From my understanding, the Buddha laid down the rule to not eat afternoon in order to reduce the burden on the laity and to help the sangha avoid a negative reputation. In the Latukikopama Sutta (MN 66)the Buddha said that there were many disadvantages to going for alms at night.
Why did the Buddha forbid monastics from making alms rounds?
The Latukikopama Sutta explains that the Buddha forbade monastics from going on alms rounds after noon to avoid dangers that they might meet later in the day—stumbling into natural dangers in the dark, being propositioned for a tryst in the twilight hours, random hooligans—and to prevent inconveniencing or frightening lay people.
What time of day do monks meditate?
In some traditions, monks meditate in the early morning, before eating, and in the evening, after textual studies and prayers. Traleg Rinpoche (Kagyu) nearly starved himself to death after years of avoiding food, because digestion interfered with his meditation. He really got life-threateningly ill and emaciated at one point.