Is a black hole more powerful than a supernova?
What we thought was the largest supernova ever observed might in fact be the death gasp of a star being swallowed by a black hole. Later analysis showed it was 200 times more powerful than most supernovae, shining 20 times brighter than the combined output of the entire Milky Way.
What would happen if a supernova hit a black hole?
When a star goes supernova, the core of its remains collapses under the strength of its own gravitational pull. If this remnant is massive enough, it may form a black hole, which has gravity so powerful that not even light can escape it.
What is the difference between a supernova and a black hole?
Difference between Supernovae and Black Hole. Key Difference: Supernovae is the plural form of supernova. The intense brightening stars that signals the start of the end is known as supernovae. Black hole is an object with a gravitational field where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. ‘Supernovae’ is a plural form of supernova.
How does a star become a supernova or a black hole?
Stars going through supernova explosion may or not become black hole. If mass of star is nearly less than 2.5 times the sun it will turn into neutron star but if star has mass more than 2.5 times the sun it’ll probably start collapsing into a infinitesimal point called singularity and will form black hole.
Why do supernovas create a black hole?
Some become neutron stars while very massive ones become black holes. An exploding supernova throws hot gas into space. Depending on the mass at the start of its life, a supernova will leave behind either a neutron star or a black hole. A black hole is anything but empty space. Rather, it is a great amount of matter packed into a very small area.
Will our Sun Go Supernova and become a black hole?
Stars much more massive than the Sun explode as a supernova leaving behind either a “neutron star” or a “black hole”. So, do not worry about the Sun becoming a black hole . Now, to answer your second question: If hypothetically the Sun suddenly becomes a black hole (which will not happen), then nothing will happen to the Earth.