Does a strong password matter?
A strong password provides essential protection from financial fraud and identity theft. One of the most common ways that hackers break into computers is by guessing passwords. Simple and commonly used passwords enable intruders to easily gain access and control of a computing device.
What does it mean when Apple says my password appeared in a data leak?
According to Apple, your iPhone or iPad continuously checks the passwords you’ve saved in your Password AutoFill keychain against a list of passwords that have appeared in known leaks. It simply indicates that your password has appeared in a data leak and, therefore, your account is vulnerable.
Why is a strong password important?
Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer and personal information. The stronger your password, the more protected your computer will be from hackers and malicious software. You should maintain strong passwords for all accounts on your computer.
Are Apple data leaks real?
Data leaks are a nasty way for hackers to expose and sell your private information and, unfortunately, password leaks happen more often than not. Fortunately, Apple set up a cybersecurity feature to notify iPhone and iPad users when their login credentials for apps and platforms have appeared in a data leak.
Can a leaked password be used against you?
The password may be from a leak of another website or company’s data, not from the same site as the one you use the password on. Still, even if you have a strong password, hackers will regularly add leaked passwords to their password-cracking lists for brute-force attacks, so it’s only a matter of time before someone targets you and gets access.
What are data leaks and why do they matter?
Data leaks can be used to slow or stop business operations can exposed sensitive information to the public. Information exposed in a data leak can have drastic consequences for government, businesses and individuals. Why Do Data Leaks Matter?
Are strong passwords harder to crack?
Strong passwords are considerably harder to crack (or break) – and that’s even with the powerful password-cracking software that is available today. Given enough time, the automated method can crack any password. However, strong passwords are much much harder to crack than weak passwords.
What happens if your email address is leaked?
A leak involving both your email address and your current password is one of the worst outcomes. Usually, an email provider won’t leak the details themselves. It’s far more likely that a website that uses your email address as your username will suffer this kind of leak.