Table of Contents
Why do we see Temple in dreams?
If your dream involved a visit to the temple, that is a good omen for you. If you were proceeding towards a temple or passing through the temple gate, you can be rest assured that your plans are on the right track. On the contrary, if you dream about a closed temple door, you can be prepared for obstacles.
What does it mean when you dream of a place more than once?
recurring dreams
Do you sometimes have the same dream more than once over a short period of time? Or maybe you’ve had the same dream over the entire course of your life. These repetitive dreams are called recurring dreams. Most recurring dreams are assumed to reveal the presence of unresolved conflict or stress in the dreamer’s life.
What does it mean when you dream about ancient temples?
If you dream about visiting an ancient temple on a touristic journey, such as visiting some of the Egyptian temples on the river Nile or, say, Parthenon in Athens, this dream does not necessarily have a deep spiritual meaning, but it does reflect your own perception of the past and the present.
What does it mean when you go to a temple?
In the same note, if that temple that you are visiting is beautiful and in nature, it symbolizes joy. If the temple you are visiting is a dark and unknown place, and you are in a hurry to leave that place, it means that you are about to hear bad news very soon.
What does it mean to dream about a dome falling?
But for a girl, a dome falling in a dream symbolizes her closedness, unsociability and, as a result, the absence of a personal life. A temple that floats in the sky is a signal from the subconscious of a desire to start a new life.
What is the significance of a black temple with golden domes?
The dreambook of the Wanderer explains a black temple with golden domes built on a mountain in such a way: if you want to achieve material benefits, you are ready to step over moral values.