Table of Contents
Who is the best price action mentor?
Nial Fuller is a Professional Trader, Author & Money Manager based in Australia. Starting his trading career in 2002 and with almost 20 years experience, he is widely considered by many to be ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading.
Is Asia Forex Mentor legit?
Is Asia Forex Mentor legit? Asia Forex Mentor is a legit business and exists since 2008. Ezekiel says that the One Core Program is the same system that he trained the banks and used to make six figures per trade.
Where do I learn price action Quora?
I would recommend LPAT ( if you are looking forward to learn Price Action Strategy. They have a very good LPAT Price Action Trader Program which covers teaching as well as mentoring.
Do you need a forex trading mentor?
A Forex trading mentor should be an experienced trader with the necessary knowledge and know-how to successfully trade the markets. A trading mentor can significantly improve your trading performance.
Why should you hire a forex trading consultant?
Forex trading is different from other business endeavours you may take. Early in your trading career, almost all mistakes you make result in losing money. Experienced Forex educators can make the journey to success a great deal smoother than refusing professional advice and taking the road on your own.
Is there more than one winner in forex trading?
There can only be one winner. Now for the important part, the poker example described above is almost exactly how the forex market essentially works. Contrary to popular brief no money actually gets made in the forex markets, instead what happens is it gets transferred from one set of people to the other, the same as in poker.
How do people make money in the forex market?
Contrary to popular brief no money actually gets made in the forex markets, instead what happens is it gets transferred from one set of people to the other, the same as in poker. In trading the set of people who are characteristically said to always make money are the bank and hedge fund traders.