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How did Microsoft lose to Android?
Microsoft’s co-founder said his company missed out on $400 billion after letting Google create the “standard non-Apple phone platform.” Bill Gates reckons Microsoft should have occupied Android’s role as the alternative to Apple. That is, Android is the standard non-Apple phone platform.
Was Windows Phone successful?
With Windows desktop operating system being one of the most popular in the world, there were few reasons to not believe that Microsoft can be successful in the mobile OS space as well. However, the engineer blamed “botched Windows 8” to be one of the most important reasons for the death of Windows Phone.
Could Microsoft’s Android efforts have a surprisingly broad impact?
And the effects of those efforts could end up having a surprisingly broad impact on Android — one that’d reach every corner of the ecosystem and all of us who use it, whether or not a Microsoft-branded device is involved.
Why are Android phone-makers so bad at updating software?
Outside of Google and its own Pixel line of products, most Android phone-makers do a consistently terrible job of sending out software updates to their users. The data says it all, and despite heavily hyped narratives to the contrary, things aren’t really getting much better — not by any meaningful measure.
Is Microsoft reshaping Google’s mobile ecosystem for the better?
Blink and you might miss it, but Microsoft is little by little reshaping Google’s mobile ecosystem for the better — and all signs suggest it’s only getting started. Is Android 12 about to pop Google’s…
How often should you buy new Android phones?
Yup, you guessed it: buy new phones as frequently as possible. Right now, Google really is the sole exception to that rule within the realm of Android — the only company for whom selling you hardware is less of a primary goal and more of a way to draw you in deeper to its software-and-service-driven primary business.