What does it mean to be a grammar nazi?
‘ It’s ‘Billy and I,’” so scolds the grammar nazi. A grammar nazi is a pedant who compulsively criticizes or corrects people’s grammar mistakes, typos, misspellings, and other errors in speech or writing.
What does Nazi stand for quizlet?
What does “Nazi” stand for? National Socialist German Worker’s Party.
Where did the word Nazi come from?
The first use of the term “Nazi” by the National Socialists occurred in 1926 in a publication by Joseph Goebbels called Der Nazi-Sozi [“The Nazi-Sozi”]. In Goebbels’ pamphlet, the word “Nazi” only appears when linked with the word “Sozi” as an abbreviation of “National Socialism”.
What was the name of the agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union?
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, also called Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, German-Soviet Treaty of Nonaggression, Hitler-Stalin Pact, and Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, (August 23, 1939), nonaggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union that was concluded only a few days before the beginning of World War II and …
What was the result when a military coup seized power in Ghana?
What was the result when a military coup seized power in Ghana? The government finally stabilized. Civilian rule was abolished for good.
Which country did Germany hope to defeat quickly?
With that plan, Schlieffen believed, Gemany could defeat France within six weeks, the campaign concluding with a decisive “super Cannae” in the south.
What is the best description of the events of Bloody Sunday in Russia in the early 1900s?
What is the best description of the events of Bloody Sunday in Russia in the early 1900s? Russian citizens stopped fighting between striking workers. (Russian soldiers fired on a group of peaceful protestors.)
What was the main reason imperial nations built large naval forces?
What was the main reason imperial nations built large naval forces? notes: Imperial countries built large navies to protect their economies interests.