Did Grand Moff Tarkin outrank Darth Vader?
Some people got the impression that Grand Moff Tarkin did because it seemed like Vader was taking orders from him at some points in the original movie, but Tarkin didn’t officially outrank Vader. In fact, Vader wasn’t even a part of the official Imperial hierarchy.
Why does Darth Vader obey Grand Moff Tarkin?
Because The Death Star is under Tarkin’s command. So while aboard Tarkin’s station he defers to him. Vader understands Chain of command and on that mission Tarkin is in charge and he respects him.
Did Grand Moff Tarkin know Anakin was Vader?
A passage in the Canon novel, Tarkin, reveals the Grand Moff suspected Darth Vader was Anakin through the way he interacted with the Stormtroopers he commanded and how he wielded his lightsaber. He used the power of observation to get the answer he required. He saw the similarities between both Vader and Anakin.
Who did Vader choke in A New Hope?
Vader Force chokes Motti for his lack of faith. Though Darth Vader—who had recently arrived to interrogate Princess Leia Organa—admitted that the plans were in the hands of the Rebellion, he proclaimed that soon the Empire would have them.
What does Grand Moff Tarkin do in a new hope?
A New Hope. Introduced in the 1977 film Star Wars, the first film in the original Star Wars trilogy, Grand Moff Tarkin is the Governor of the Imperial Outland Regions, and commander of the Death Star. After Emperor Palpatine dissolves the Galactic Senate, Tarkin and Darth Vader are charged with pursuing and destroying the Rebel Alliance.
Why is Grand Moff Tarkin holding Vader’s leash in Star Wars?
Star Wars fans have often wondered why Grand Moff Tarkin is the one “holding Vader’s leash” in the original Star Wars film, but now that question has been answered in Star Wars comics. While Vader may be the most powerful, Tarkin is capable of outsmarting the Sith Lord.
Why did Darth Vader follow Tarkin’s orders?
With Darth Vader realizing that his anger, and his hatred can sometimes blind him to a larger threat only Tarkin can decipher. Following his orders makes perfect sense. Darth Vader#18 is available now from Marvel Comics. Screen Rant Editor Andrew Dyce was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Is Darth Vader a dark lord of the Sith?
The following contains major spoilers for Marvel’s Darth Vader issue #18. Darth Vader is a Dark Lord of the Sith and a master of the Dark Side of the Force. So why is it that he takes orders from anybody other than the Emperor in the original Star Wars: A New Hope?