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Does boosting reduce variance or bias?
1) Compared to the simple base learner (e.g. a shallow tree), boosting increases variance and reduces bias. 2) If you boost a simple base learner, the resulting model will have lower variance compared to some high variance reference like a too deep decision tree.
What is boosting in decision tree?
Boosting means that each tree is dependent on prior trees. The algorithm learns by fitting the residual of the trees that preceded it. Thus, boosting in a decision tree ensemble tends to improve accuracy with some small risk of less coverage.
Does gradient boosting reduce bias?
Various methods have been devised to reduce either the bias or variance of a learner. Some methods, such as Gradient Boosting [2], can reduce bias by increasing the expressive power of the base learner. While other methods, such as bagging [3], mainly reduce variance by sub- sampling the training data.
How can you improve the accuracy of a decision tree regression?
If there are too many categories in a variable you can combine the categories having less than 5\% frequency. Now you can create dummy variables for the new categories. Creating dummies breaks the categorical data into numeric which helps in quantifying the relationships better and hence increases the accuracy.
What is gradient boosting decision tree?
Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique used in regression and classification tasks, among others. It gives a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, which are typically decision trees.
How does boosting reduce error?
Gradient boosting utilizes the gradient descent to pinpoint the challenges in the learners’ predictions used previously. The previous error is highlighted, and by combining one weak learner to the next learner, the error is reduced significantly over time.
What is Boosting state why it may improve the accuracy of decision tree induction?
Boosting is one of the ways to improve the accuracy of a decision tree induction. Initially weights are assigned to each of the training tuples. After the classifiers are learned, the weights are updated such that the subsequent classifier gives more attention towards the tuples which were previously missed out.