What is the cause of Kurdish nationalism?
Early Kurdish nationalism had its roots in the Ottoman Empire, within which Kurds were a significant ethnic group. The Kurdish–Turkish conflict, where Kurdish armed groups have fought against the Turkish nationalism of the state, has been ongoing since 1984.
What is Nationalism and examples?
Nationalism is an ideology expressed by people who fervently believe that their nation is superior to all others. These feelings of superiority are often based on shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, or social values. In this sense, nationalism is seen as the antithesis of globalism.
What is the closest ideology to Kemalism?
Kemalism is kind of secular nationalism but not like fascism or national socialism or jacobinism. I think, closest ideology to Kemalism is Baatism of Essad or Saddam. Kemalists are not in power since 1950 , but they are always in situation of main opposition.
Is there such a thing as “democratically problematic” ideology?
If there’s an ideology out there that’s not “democratically problematic,” it’s the exception that proves the rule. As a person becomes increasingly attached to a particular system of thought, challenges to that system tend to be interpreted and felt more and more personally.
Why should we resist looking at the world through an ideological lens?
Here are a few reasons looking at the world through an ideological lens is a temptation we should strongly resist. One of the defining features of an ideology is that it is a system of thought that people vigorously identify with. The more a person identifies with an ideology, the more any challenge to it will be resisted.
What is the ideology of the perpetrators?
We coded the ideology of the perpetrators into one of five categories: ethnonationalist, left-wing, religious, right-wing, and other (which included motivations that did not fit into any of the categories). All of the religious attacks and plots in the CSIS data set were committed by terrorists who ascribed to a Salafi-jihadist ideology.