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Why did Alan Moore stop Swamp Thing?
Alan Moore. As Swamp Thing was heading for cancellation due to low sales, DC editorial agreed to give Alan Moore (at the time a relatively unknown writer whose previous work included several stories for 2000 AD, Warrior and Marvel UK) free rein to revamp the title and the character as he saw fit.
What influenced Watchmen?
“Watchmen” began with a simple question of: What would superheroes be like in a credible, real world? He took the superheroes inspired by the campy heroes of Charlton Comics that DC had acquired and wrote them into an alternate history where America won the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal never happened.
Why does Alan Moore hate Hollywood?
“My main experiences in the past had been of the Hollywood variety, which was on many levels repulsive to me. Every film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s.
Did Alan Moore watch Watchmen?
In short, Alan is disgusted with the very idea of film versions of his work, including Watchmen, and at last report had never even seen any of them. I’d suggest you read his stuff rather than wasting your time and money on soulless, gutless, bastardized cinematic versions.
Why does Alan Moore hate everything?
It’s not his own works he hates but rather the various sequels and spin-offs. The reason why is because Moore thinks his comics are perfect as is and to expand on the mythos would lessen the overall quality.
Are the Watchmen heroes or villains?
Heroes like the Watchmen are dangerous in vigilante roles, and some of their behavior could even be considered villainous. Despite the novel’s plethora of masked heroes, Watchmen only contains one typical villain, Moloch, who by 1985 is retired and lives alone.
What do the watchmen symbolize?
The comic, Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibson, employs a reoccurring symbol of a smiley face stained with blood covering its left eye. It is such a simple symbol that shows happiness, yet is presented in such a convoluted manner in the comic.
What powers do the watchmen have?
Dr. Jonathan “Jon” Osterman is a vigilante and the only character with superpowers. He was originally a physicist who was transformed into a blue, irradiated powerful being after he was disintegrated in an Intrinsic Field Subtractor in 1959.
What would people think today about Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman’s “Miracleman?
What would people think today about Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman’s “Miracleman?” With the stature of both writers having grown exponentially over time, the idea that they both contributed to a ‘lost masterpiece’ in the 1980s and early 1990s would be enough to make any comics fan giddy.
Is there a Dave Gibbons interview with Alan Moore?
Seems like a great time to reach into the vaults for this 2014 piece about Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore and Gaiman from THE DAVE GIBBONS INTERVIEWS. Some of the references are dated (the Watchmen Artifact Edition has been out for some time) but the meat of the interview is what matters. Dig it. — Dan
How does Neil Gaiman’s “Miracleman” compare to “Sandman?
Gaiman’s “Miracleman” stories were off-beat and focused on lesser characters in a style that readers of “Sandman” would likely instantly recognize. Going back to the beginning though, it was important to remember that “Miracleman” was Moore’s first attempt at the kind of long-form stories that he would later become known for producing.
How did ‘Miracleman’ change the world?
Frankly, the real world also changed too. In some ways, “Miracleman” ended up chronicling the 1980s, albeit from afar. When Neil Gaiman took over for Alan Moore in the early 1990s, the comics industry was entering a speculator-fueled bubble period that itself was even hinted at within the work.