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What happens to autistic people in old age?
There is no existing “list” of challenges for the aging process in individuals on the autism spectrum. The impact of aging, however, can be much more traumatic and/or challenging for the individual with ASD due to less flexibility (physically and mentally), more sensory issues, and decreasing social skills.
Can autism worsen as you age?
Autism does not change or worsen with age, and it is not curable.
Can you develop Aspergers as you get older?
There are no current diagnostic criteria for Asperger’s syndrome in adults either. Autism spectrum disorders are usually diagnosed in early childhood. It’s becoming less common for you to reach adulthood without an autism diagnosis if you show signs or symptoms. However, it’s not impossible.
Can you have Asperger’s in your 50s?
Many adults have been diagnosed with AS in their 50s or 60s – or not diagnosed at all. In our research on older autistic adults, virtually all were diagnosed after age 40. It’s likely that there are many older adults who don’t know they’re Aspies. AS is a mental disorder or disability.
Do all Aspies have a touch of as?
Everyone has “a touch of” AS. This statement trivializes a true brain difference. Aspies have an extensive pattern of traits that distinguish us from “neurotypicals,” even though we may sometimes have a good deal in common as well. Aspies are “savants” or geniuses.
What is the difference between Aspies and neurotypicals?
Aspies have an extensive pattern of traits that distinguish us from “neurotypicals,” even though we may sometimes have a good deal in common as well. Aspies are “savants” or geniuses. An estimated 10-25\% of autistic people have exceptional talents or abilities. Aspies range from average IQ to highly intelligent.
How much younger do you feel compared to your actual age?
Yannick Stephan at the University of Montpellier examined the data from three longitudinal studies which together tracked more than 17,000 middle-aged and elderly participants. Most people felt about eight years younger than their actual chronological age.