Table of Contents
What is optimal Bayes classifier?
The Bayes Optimal Classifier is a probabilistic model that makes the most probable prediction for a new example. Bayes Optimal Classifier is a probabilistic model that finds the most probable prediction using the training data and space of hypotheses to make a prediction for a new data instance.
What is Laplace smoothing and why we need it in the naïve Bayesian classifier?
Laplace smoothing is a smoothing technique that helps tackle the problem of zero probability in the Naïve Bayes machine learning algorithm. Using higher alpha values will push the likelihood towards a value of 0.5, i.e., the probability of a word equal to 0.5 for both the positive and negative reviews.
How does Bayes classifier work?
Naive Bayes is a kind of classifier which uses the Bayes Theorem. It predicts membership probabilities for each class such as the probability that given record or data point belongs to a particular class. The class with the highest probability is considered as the most likely class.
What does Bayes classifier do?
2.1 Bayes Classifiers A Bayesian network builds a model by establishing the relationships between features in a very general way. This Naïve Bayes classifier works in a supervised manner, in which the performance objective is to predict accurately an incoming test instance using the class label of training instance.
Why is the naïve Bayesian classification called naïve?
Naive Bayes is called naive because it assumes that each input variable is independent. This is a strong assumption and unrealistic for real data; however, the technique is very effective on a large range of complex problems.
Is Laplace smoothing regularization?
We now introduce Laplace smoothing, a technique for smoothing categorical data. This is a way of regularizing Naive Bayes, and when the pseudo-count is zero, it is called Laplace smoothing.
What makes naive Bayes classification so naive?
What’s so naive about naive Bayes’? Naive Bayes (NB) is ‘naive’ because it makes the assumption that features of a measurement are independent of each other. This is naive because it is (almost) never true. Here is why NB works anyway. NB is a very intuitive classification algorithm.
Why is naive Bayes classification called naive?
Naive Bayesian classification is called naive because it assumes class conditional independence. That is, the effect of an attribute value on a given class is independent of the values of the other attributes.
What is naive Bayes classification?
A naive Bayes classifier is an algorithm that uses Bayes’ theorem to classify objects. Naive Bayes classifiers assume strong, or naive, independence between attributes of data points. Popular uses of naive Bayes classifiers include spam filters, text analysis and medical diagnosis.
When to use naive Bayes?
Usually Multinomial Naive Bayes is used when the multiple occurrences of the words matter a lot in the classification problem. Such an example is when we try to perform Topic Classification. The Binarized Multinomial Naive Bayes is used when the frequencies of the words don’t play a key role in our classification.